The Living Temple: S1 Ep2


Episode 2

The story that moves us

“This is not trying to change the church to fit 21st Century Western culture, this is Jesus’ kingdom culture becoming the centre of who we are, how we think, how we operate, and we live that way. We believe it. We live it... It’s our everything. That’s the kind of Christianity which we’re being invited into in this moment of social and cultural turmoil.”

Culture tells us we belong to one story one where the individual is the centre of their own grand narrative. Jesus invites us into something completely different. Listen out for:
+ The story we’re sold VS reality
+ Etymological navigation of the word: ‘CULTURE’
+ The problem with the church and secularism
+ Devoting our lives to having the mind of Christ 

Lesslie Newbigin – The Open Secret (1995) 
Tim Keller – The Reason for God (2008)  
Ronald Rolheiser – The Shattered Lantern (1995) 
N.T. Wright – Paul: A Biography (2018)